Wherein we find a brave soul attempting to watch every possible Doctor Who story, in order, from William Hartnell’s crotchety First Doctor through to Paul McGann’s archly Victorian Eighth Doctor. A rough estimate sees this project complete in, oh, 2035 or so…
First Doctor (William Hartnell)
Season One
- 100,000 BC/An Unearthly Child (A)
- The Mutants/The Daleks (B)
- Inside the Spaceship/The Edge of Destruction (C)
- Marco Polo (D)
- The Keys of Marinus (E)
- The Aztecs (F)
- The Sensorites (G)
- The Reign of Terror (H)
Season Two
- Planet of Giants (J)
- The Dalek Invasion of Earth (K)
- The Rescue (L)
- The Romans (M)
- The Web Planet (N)
- The Crusade (P)
- The Space Museum (Q)
- The Chase (R)
- The Time Meddler (S)
Season Three
- Galaxy 4 (T)
- Mission to the Unknown (T/A)
- The Myth Makers (U)
- The Daleks’ Master Plan (V)
- The Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Eve (W)
- The Ark (X)
- The Celestial Toymaker (Y)
- The Gunfighters (Z)
- The Savages (AA)
- The War Machines (BB)
Season Four
- The Smugglers (CC)
- The Tenth Planet (DD)
Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton)
Season Four (continued)
- The Power of the Daleks (EE)
- The Highlanders (FF)
- The Underwater Menace (GG)
- The Moonbase (HH)
- The Macra Terror (JJ)
- The Faceless Ones (KK)
- The Evil of the Daleks (LL)
Season Five
- The Tomb of the Cybermen (MM)
- The Abominable Snowmen (NN)
- The Ice Warriors (OO)
- The Enemy of the World (PP)
- The Web of Fear (QQ)
- Fury from the Deep (RR)
- The Wheel in Space (SS)
Season Six
- The Dominators (TT)
- The Mind Robber (UU)
- The Invasion (VV)
- The Krotons (WW)
- The Seeds of Death (XX)
- The Space Pirates (YY)
- The War Games (ZZ)
Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee)
Season Seven
- Spearhead from Space (AAA)
- Doctor Who and the Silurians (BBB)
- The Ambassadors of Death (CCC)
- Inferno (DDD)
Season Eight
- Terror of the Autons (EEE)
- The Mind of Evil (FFF)
- The Claws of Axos (GGG)
- Colony in Space (HHH)
- The Daemons (JJJ)
Season Nine
- Day of the Daleks (KKK)
- The Curse of Peladon (MMM)
- The Sea Devils (LLL)
- The Mutants (NNN)
- The Time Monster (OOO)
Season Ten
- The Three Doctors (RRR)
- Carnival of Monsters (PPP)
- Frontier in Space (QQQ)
- Planet of the Daleks (SSS)
- The Green Death (TTT)
Season Eleven
- The Time Warrior (UUU)
- Invasion of the Dinosaurs (WWW)
- Death to the Daleks (XXX)
- The Monster of Peladon (YYY)
- Planet of the Spiders (ZZZ)
Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker)
Season Twelve
- Robot (4A)
- The Ark in Space (4C)
- The Sontaran Experiment (4B)
- Genesis of the Daleks (4E)
- Revenge of the Cybermen (4D)
Season Thirteen
- Terror of the Zygons (4F)
- Planet of Evil (4H)
- Pyramids of Mars (4G)
- The Android Invasion (4J)
- The Brain of Morbius (4K)
- The Seeds of Doom (4L)
Season Fourteen
- The Masque of Mandragora (4M)
- The Hand of Fear (4N)
- The Deadly Assassin (4P)
- The Face of Evil (4Q)
- The Robots of Death (4R)
- The Talons of Weng-Chiang (4S)
Season Fifteen
- Horror of Fang Rock (4V)
- The Invisible Enemy (4T)
- Image of the Fendahl (4X)
- The Sun Makers (4W)
- Underworld (4Y)
- The Invasion of Time (4Z)
Season Sixteen (The Key to Time)
- The Ribos Operation (5A)
- The Pirate Planet (5B)
- The Stones of Blood (5C)
- The Androids of Tara (5D)
- The Power of Kroll (5E)
- The Armageddon Factor (5F)
Season Seventeen
- Destiny of the Daleks (5J)
- City of Death (5H)
- The Creature from the Pit (5G)
- Nightmare of Eden (5K)
- The Horns of Nimon (5L)
- Shada (5M)
Season Eighteen
- The Leisure Hive (5N)
- Meglos (5Q)
- Full Circle (5R)
- State of Decay (5P)
- Warriors’ Gate (5S)
- The Keeper of Traken (5T)
- Logopolis (5V)
Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison)
Season Nineteen
- Castrovalva (5Z)
- Four to Doomsday (5W)
- Kinda (5Y)
- The Visitation (5X)
- Black Orchid (6A)
- Earthshock (6B)
- Time-Flight (6C)
Season Twenty
- Arc of Infinity (6E)
- Snakedance (6D)
- Mawdryn Undead (6F)
- Terminus (6G)
- Enlightenment (6H)
- The King’s Demons (6J)
Twentieth Anniversary Special
- The Five Doctors (6K)
Season Twenty-One
- Warriors of the Deep (6L)
- The Awakening (6M)
- Frontios (6N)
- Resurrection of the Daleks (6P)
- Planet of Fire (6Q)
- The Caves of Androzani (6R)
Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker)
Season Twenty-One (continued)
- The Twin Dilemma (6S)
Season Twenty-Two
- Attack of the Cybermen (6T)
- Vengeance on Varos (6V)
- The Mark of the Rani (6X)
- The Two Doctors (6W)
- Timelash (6Y)
- Revelation of the Daleks (6Z)
Season Twenty-Three (The Trial of a Time Lord)
- The Mysterious Planet (7A)
- Mindwarp (7B)
- Terror of the Vervoids (7C Part 1)